Boba Tea or Bubble Tea

Boba Tea or Bubble Tea

Boba tea and bubble tea are used interchangeably.  But did you know that the bubble in bubble tea actually refers to the airy bubbles at the top instead of the tapioca balls?  The airy bubbles form when the milk tea or tea is shaken in a cocktail shaker and poured... read more
Great Minds Think Alike

Great Minds Think Alike

Just like dogs always thinking about bones, I guess I am the same, about boba tea that is.  I sketch boba tea illustrations everyday so it’s constantly on my mind.  The only time that I am not thinking about boba tea is when I am sleeping?  hahah... read more
Friday Night Vibes

Friday Night Vibes

It’s FriYAY!  If only this could be every night.  Unkempt hair, pjs, boba tea, snacks and Netflix binge.  Good times, good times =)... read more
Boba Tea Drinker Dilemma

Boba Tea Drinker Dilemma

To cheese or not to cheese, that is the question!  Something about the combination of cream cheese and tea, especially with a touch of salt, creates a really flavorful drink.  It took me a few cheese tea at different shops to finally appreciate this bizarre yet... read more
When life gives you a lemon…

When life gives you a lemon…

With summer in full swing, nothing quenches your thirst quite like a good iced lemon tea.  You can also combine grapefruit, lime and other citrus fruits with lemon for a more dynamic flavor.  So when life gives you a lemon, I ask for a few more so I can make a large... read more